Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Questions for hints before changing to GenMAC &
Wed, 3 May 2006 17:49:50 -0700 (PDT)
OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>
Well Mark, I should have been more specific.
Yes the GenMAC drivers do work on my T42p, but the
XWlan widget does not.
It always tries to access the wrong lan interface
(always one above the total # of availables).
The problem with plain CMD access is that you can not
change the SSID "on the fly" and/or use encryption.
Other than that, yes I can use the GenMAC drivers on
the T42p.
But for a travelling consultant, those restictions are
often bothersome.
> Rick R. wrote:
> > Avoid certain Thinkpads.
> > The GenMAC does not work on T42 systems (and maybe
> not
> > on A31x either).
> > Use the ASUS WL-330g instead.
> > Then you won't need GenMAC at all.
> >
> GenMac is working here quite well on a T42p with an
> Intel 2200bg(albeit one
> that is specified for use in a TP). My biggest
> issue was getting
> everything to play nice (GenMac, xWLAN and the VPC/2
> virtual driver).
> There should be an article on it in VOICE in one of
> the upcoming issues.
> Mark
> --
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