Mailing List Archived Message #2088

From: "Larry Tawa" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless]Warpstock 2006 Wi-Fi workshop ideas
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2006 23:57:09 -0600
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>

In <157159.>, on 06/05/2006
   at 12:33 AM, "Lewis G Rosenthal" <>

Hi Lewis,

>This year, my Wi-Fi presentation will have more stuff about GenMAC in
>it, as well as more detail on 802.11a (and why to use it). If we have a
>WPA supplicant for GenMAC by then (or at least in the planning stages),
>I hope to have some coverage of that, as well. John Edwards will be
>covering the stand-alone bridge devices in his session. Besides some
>more content on hotspots, what would everyone here like to see?

>Please post some suggestions to this thread, as I want to prepare a good
>half day workshop which is well tailored to everyone's desires (instead
>of just taking my stuff from the past three years and moving it to new
>slides - or re-using old ones!!).

I am running with two Linksys WRT54G v 4 routers (Sveasoft Talisman 1.2
RC2) via WDS sometimes with WPA2 and sometimes with WEP.  Talisman 1.2 RC2
still has some bugs.......  I attach my eCS boxes directly to the second
router for the WPA2 encryption (well right now WEP).  One of these days,
my supply of WRT54G routers will run out - only 3 left; I used some for my
family & friends.

Questions for your Wi-Fi presentation - no need to answer here. (1) what
routers are you recommending that handle 802.11a - WRT54G do not handle
802.11a. (2) for (1) what firmware?
(3) in theory routers from different brands should connect if they have
the capability with WDS; the reality I believe is problematic unless the
routers have the same firmware.  True or false? (4) What would you
recommend if one has different routers which fail to connect via WDS, what
other option would you recommend. (5) what websites are you referring your
clients to antennaes?  Are you focusing on the router antennae or adding a
PCCARD to say a laptop and then adding an external antennae? (6)
amplification of signal seems less a priority than antennaes.  In what
situation are you cranking up the routers power signal?  Thanks.


"Larry Tawa" <>
eComStation 1.2 - MR/2 ICE 2.67 #19553

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