os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #2115

???: "Michael Warmuth" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> ?? ????
??: Re: xwlan 2.14
??: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 09:41:37 +0200
??: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

Dear Lewis,

Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
> Per your second point, Michael, how do you propose setting the host ID
> correctly such that a single address is associated with it? In my
> experience, having two non-teamed NICs connected to the same subnet has
> resulted in a tons of dropped packets and overall poor communication,
> aside from the probable packet storm from other clients trying to reach
> one interface and hitting the other.

As I said in my first post: They are never connected at the same time -
they are just configured (until XWLAN is running). First the LAN
interface - it get's is configuration using DHCP (and if it does not get
a lease it is configured statically). Then the WLAN interface
(statically): as the LAN interface has set the hostid and the route to
the subnet everything works - even starting the requester.

When I later switch from LAN to WLAN interface I pull out the LAN cable,
and turn on WLAN using XWLAN. Then the requester still works - even a
domain logon. (TCPBEUI is configured for both interfaces)

All other solutions I tried do not work or not fully work (e.g. I can
connect to a specific server, even the domain controller, but I cannot
log on to the domain).

And no the requester does not start when both interfaces are bound to
TCPBEUI and one is not configured.

> From the Help file:
>    This script is executed after the TCP/IP interface has been either
>    configured or unconfigured.
> <snip>

I use XWLAN 2.14 and when I turn on the WLAN it does:
1) Turns on the card
2) Searchs for a WLAN
3) Connects to the WLAN
4) Does run xwlan.cmd
5) Configures the IP interface


Michael Warmuth, Manager IT, michael@warmuth.at
Michael Warmuth - EDV-Dienstleistungen, www.warmuth.at
Waldegghofgasse 27, A-1170 Wien, Austria - EUROPE
Tel: +43-676-3863440, Fax: +43-1-4892728-99

Austria -- The place in the heart of Europe
where no kangaroos are hopping around.

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