Mailing List Archived Message #2119

From: "Neil Waldhauer" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: xwlan 2.14
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 16:23:24 -0700
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>

On Wed, 28 Jun 2006 00:23:38 +0200, "Christian Langanke"
<> wrote:

> I just thought about if the order makes sense on dsconnect, and think it
> may be better to call the script on disconnect after XWLAN unconfigured
> the WLAN interface. Please tell me what you think, I have no idea what
> is really better.

I'm looking at the script I gave to Mark Henigan, and I see that on disconnect
it waits for 20 seconds, then configures the wired interface for DHCP.

Now this was needed for a version of XWLAN a while ago, but I don't know that
it is needed any more.

Furthermore, it's only needed in my home environment, as I switch back and
forth from wired to wireless.

But these days, I use my wireless in WiFi cafes and hotels, so I don't use my
script at all anymore.

I'd rather that the script be called on disconnect after the WiFi interface is

Finally, thanks Cristian. I find XWLAN to be very useful, and I appreciate your
work. I went on a trip recently, and I was connected almost every day, thanks

Neil Waldhauer,

What is a wazoo and how much do you have to have before something starts coming out of it?

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