Mailing List Archived Message #2121

From: "Larry Tawa" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless]Re: Warpstock 2006 Wi-Fi workshop ideas
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 21:02:44 -0600
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>

In <157654.>, on 06/10/2006
   at 10:46 AM, "Lewis G Rosenthal" <>

Hi Lewis,

>WDS is something I try to touch on, but which never quite gets enough
>coverage; I'll be sure to expand on this.

Also for your talk, maybe about VLANs and WVLANs -  why? if you have
already have a separate VLAN or WVLAN set up, when the relatives from out
of town drop by and want to use your internet access you are Good to Go!
The relatives will not have direct access to your home network.

I may have to set up VPN to do some work from home - have not used VPN
before.  So with my Talisman firmware router when the firmware actually
materializes, I can enable VPN with an IPSec tunnel from my router to work
assuming that work uses IPSec.  Now if Talisman can use OpenVPN (if
OpenVPN can be reduced in size), what advantages does this offer me?
Which if any will allow me to run a tunnel within a tunnel.  As you can
see I have many questions.  :))


"Larry Tawa" <>
eComStation 1.2 - MR/2 ICE 2.67 #19553

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