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</p><p><span class="titleArialBold"><b><font size="+1" face="Arial, Helvetica">Wi-Fi crusader in $5 router giveaway</font></b></span><br/><br/>
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<p><span class="subhead1">Don't miss these Wireless resources</span></p><p><span class="normalArial"><strong><a href="http://ct.techrepublic.com.com/clicks?t=2743743-98faa0984c1c062679cb473114a16e05-bf&s=5&fs=0" target="_blank">Tech companies agree on mobile Web rules</a></strong><br/>Wireless and Internet companies agree on Web site development guidelines aimed at making it easier to surf the Net on cell phones.</span></p><p><span class="normalArial"><strong><a href="http://ct.techrepublic.com.com/clicks?t=2743744-98faa0984c1c062679cb473114a16e05-bf&s=5&fs=0" target="_blank">ZDNet Webcast: The Wireless SMB</a></strong><br/>More and more small- and medium-sized businesses are going wireless because it offers mobility and convenience. But, like any technology, it only makes sense to invest in wireless if it actually helps to improve your business. In this videocast, we'll look at what factors to consider when deciding whether to take the wireless plunge.</span></p>
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<b>Pirates:</b> "Quit pricing products based on what you believe they're worth--or what your most prosperous (most addicted) consumers think the products are worth. Want to reduce piracy? Listen to and follow the wishes of the majority of your customers."<br>
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Protect your network, systems, and users from unauthorized and undetected intrusions. This two-book set will help you understand how rootkits subvert Windows operating systems and teach you how to spot the growing threat. Get the information you need to diagnose and arrest Windows vulnerabilities.</span></p>
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