Mensaje archivado #2217 de la Lista

De: "Bob" <> Encabezados Completos
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Enviador: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Asunto: [OS2Wireless] mail2web
Fecha: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 19:24:07 -0800

** Reply to message from "Jeffrey Race" on Tue, 29 Nov 2005
09:19:24 +0700

> >
> I looked at it and decided against it for some serious reason I can't remember
> now.  Went instead with iPass which you can sign up for with a single $50
> fee giving you lifetime access metered by the minute, except on the obdurate
> T-Mobile network.   They use resellers and I found an excellent one in  MN.

I have been using iPass (my ISP is a reseller ) for many years and very much
like the product.  I do not like web mail as it cost (of course this does
depend on where you are when you need to access your email) too much because
you have to be connected the entire time you read and reply to your email.
With iPass I download, using a toll free phone number, my email logoff and read
at my leasure and if I need to reply connect a second time, this is only a few
minutes a day connect time so it does not cost a lot of money.  I just returned
from a two month trip to Europe (some hotels in England were charging 3 pounds,
about 6 dollars, for a half hour for a high speed connection, elapsed time not
connect time) and had to use dial-up on many occasions.  iPass was the only way
to go in this case.

Robert Blair

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remely busy&nbsp; supporting the clients and bringing in the big
bucks... :-) <br>
Hope you got in some rest over the Thanksgiving Holidays.&nbsp; How is the
family?&nbsp; Please give them my Best Wishes.&nbsp; Thanks. <br>
I have your check!&nbsp; Since you are busy, I'll just mail it out.&nbsp; And if
we can meet before you head down to VA, that would be even better! <br>
Take Care <br>
Monuj <br>
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