Mailing List Archived Message #2393

From: Christian Langanke <> Full Headers
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Sender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Subject: [OS2Wireless] NdisWrapper
Date: Sat, 08 Oct 2005 10:43:55 +0200

Doug LaRue wrote:

my bad. I confused genPrism with genMAC.. :-/ Thanks for correcting me
and sorry for the fudge-up.

No problem! And in this case it is a nice job writing such a mail, not to correct you in the first place, but ...

Glad to hear genMAC is coming.


(so am I)  ... to show everybody that eCS is on a very good way here.

Or did you think (let's say one year earlier) that we once would have 11g or 11a support under OS/2 ? Frankly I thought this would be very unlikely, but hey, now genmac is there and we have that all, and XWLAN supports the genmac interface completely. There are WLAN features that are not supported by genmac/XWLAN from the beginning - we though we better would ship quickly anything that is working. For example WPA encrpytion is not yet supported, (this one needs extra software support and is a tough one!), but 64/128 bitWEP works with no problems. OTOH scanning for WLANs in range _is_ supported by both packages, this is a feature that was often requested.

If everything goes well, I expect to see a public beta of Genmac and XWLAN at begin of November, and a release before Warpstock Europe (where I will demo it) or at least shortly after.

bye, Christian


Christian Langanke
Team OS/2 Ruhr e.V.

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