Mailing List Archived Message #300

From: "Carl Gehr" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: [OS2Wireless]TPad T60 Connect to Linksys BEFW11S4 - Security Settings
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 17:03:29 -0500 (EST)
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users List" <>

I have been running this Router/AP:
    BEFW11S4 V4
for a long time with only WEP64.  [Just have not had time to deal with
changing it.]

I would now like to update the connections to use the highest security
available, but it appears that the router only supports:
    WPA  (with TKIP, but not with AES)
I'm not really sure exactly what this really means, but at this point,
my objective is to get it to work with the T60 reported by PCI as:
  Device 4227h PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection

It has been working just fine with GenMac and WLAN V3.10rc2 setup for

No matter how I try to change the configurations, both the router and
the WLAN, it does not want to make the connection.  WLAN does see the
network/router if I request a scan for public hotspots, showing as it
should as "Private".

One significant problem, resolved [I thought] via manual cut/paste:
==> Both the Router and WLAN will generate a key from a
    passphrase.  But, they generate DIFFERENT KEYS!
    - WLAN generated four keys, but none of them match
      the key generated by the router.
    - My attempt to circumvent the problem was to cut/paste
      from the router to Key-1 of the WLAN field.
    Made no difference.  Still no connection.

I tried essentially the same process, but tried to use WEP128.  Similar
results there.  No connection even though the Router/AP appears to be
'seen' by the TPad.

Anyone have this working?  Any suggestions about steps to make WLAN and
the AP get together?

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