os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #328

???: "Carl Gehr" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> ?? ????
??: Re: [OS2Wireless]TPad T60 Connect to Linksys BEFW11S4 - Security Settings
??: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 00:27:00 -0500 (EST)
??: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 16:18:16 -0800, Bob wrote:

>** Reply to message from "Carl Gehr" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> on
>Thu, 19 Feb 2009 17:38:51 -0500 (EST)
>> Please consider this tread terminate/transferred to:
>>     "'Throbbing' WiFi indicator on TPad T60"
>Well I have been reading this thread but I am not sure what you mean by
>"throbbing".  Does it blink in a pattern or a random fashion?

The blinking is VERY FAST!  I have no way to count/measure, but it is
definitely several times per second.  
>> because:
>> 1)  The problems seem to be closely related.
>> 2)  In updating the above thread, I've added points
>>     from this thread.
>> NET:  I'm back to WEP64; firmware has been updated;
>>       but the situation has gone from uncertain and
>>       backlevel to a PITA that is worse than it was.
>> Thanks to all who have commented.  For further info, please
>> check the other [OS2Wireless] thread.
>I have a T41 and the WiFi indicator blinks mainly when data is being
>transferred over the link.  I assume all of the blinking is when there is data
>on the link some of which is normal TCP or NETBIOS traffic.

It has nothing to do with data transfer.  The eCenter network monitor
is showing no activity at all.

Also, flipping the switch under the left side of the KB will stop the
flashing/throbbing and go back to solid ON for some period of time.

>Occasionally I have problems with the wireless link but attribute that to a
>weak signal or radio interference (there are a lot of wireless devices using
>the same frequency as WiFi).  Normally I do not have to reboot as the
>connection usually comes back alive after a short interval.

I've had varying results:
*  Disable/Enable the radio and it reconfigures the link and
*  Flip the under the KB switch sometimes turns the WiFi light
   OFF/ON, sometimes the light just stays on.  This is usually
   a clue to just reboot the system to get the connection back.
*  Sometimes, after both of the above don't work, it's time to
   pull the plug and recycle the power on the router/AP.

All in all, a real pain!

I should mention that the fast-flashing light is not unique to eCS nor
to my router/AP.  I've seen the same thing when in different locations
using a hot-spot AP.  And, rebooting to Ubuntu Linux can result in the
same behavior.

BTW, as mentioned elsewhere, I opened a hardware incident with
IBM/Lenovo.  They replaced the WiFi card; also with no change in the

The one thing that I changed, based on a suggestion from this list, was
to install the latest firmware.  Since I did that, the complete
dropping of the connection has occurred a lot more often.  I'm
considering going back to the previous firmware level.

With the old firmware, the fast blinking still occurs, but the complete
dropping of the connection was much more rare.

The above is a fairly complete summary the current state of the

Frustration is about to get the best of me!

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