Mailing List Archived Message #352

From: Lewis G Rosenthal Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] 3Com wireless card
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2009 16:35:14 -0500
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List

On 02/22/09 04:00 pm, Ray Davison thus wrote :
Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
I was talking about a wireless ethernet bridge device, such as the Netgear ME101 ( ) or the LinkSys WET54G ( ).

What does it take to get these things to work.

Not much. Essentially, a short ethernet cable connects the unit to the computer. They usually require a power dongle, but I've seen some which don't (they may tap power from USB). Boot the computer, and it gets a DHCP address from the unit. Open a browser to it just like setting a wireless (or wired) broadband router or AP. Enter your wireless settings. Many have onboard utilities for site surveys and such.
And, this could be a good thing.  Any suggestions for antennas?
They usually come with fixed antennas.

I'm no expert by any means (I don't own one, nor have I ever set one up!). However, John Edwards did a presentation on one at Warpstock 2005: (look for "Getting Faster Wireless Network Speed"). The description of his presentation is available here: .

Hopefully, the above links will give you a bit more info on how these devices work (power, etc.). The newer units are typically labeled "gaming adapters," as their typical application is to connect to a game box which has no connectivity other than an RJ-45 port. They're specifically designed to set up easily, so as to be configurable from such gaming consoles.

GenMAC has *some* support for PC Cards (CardBUS, whihc are 32-bit), but not (AFAICR) PCMCIA (the image which Jeff sent was a PCMCIA card, or so it appeared - no textured gold foil over the connector end).


As PCMCIA is not part of the PCI BUS (it's 16-bit, not 32-bit), GenMAC probably knows nothing about it. ;-)

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC      
Need a managed Wi-Fi hotspot?      
Treasurer, Warpstock Corporation  

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