Message #3632 des archives de la Liste

De: "Leon D. Zetekoff, NCE" <> En-têtes complèts
Message brut
Expéditeur: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Sujet: [OS2Wireless] Warpstock 2005, Hershey, Pennsylvania, Oct 6-9
Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 08:00:10 -0400

Lewis...please contact me off list at your convenience -- I'm close enough as I said maybe I can help out somehow...


BTW - Hershey also owns Dutch Wonderland over in Lancaster.

Lewis G Rosenthal <> wrote:
Alan, Leon, Stuart, & Robert -

Great news that you're all planning on Warpstock this year. Watch for some announcements coming soon regarding hotel rates and registration fees, as well as program content and vendors. We have a substantial Team assembled this year (currently six members), and everyone is working hard to make this a really great event. As soon as we get a reply from Hershey corporate concerning trademark issues surrounding their images (we need permission to use any of their products in our logos and advertising), we'll be able to get a proper logo together, which will help us immensely to "brand" the event.


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