Mailing List Archived Message #3651

From: "Neil Waldhauer" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Sender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Subject: [OS2Wireless] OT: Rensselaer
Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 21:18:15 -0700

On Mon, 02 May 2005 23:10:49 -0300, "Harry Travis"<> wrote:

> Neil:
> The last 5 years they've all been IBM Thinkpads. Live in excitement until
> June to find out what will specified for new matriculants. Issued?
> Furnished  with course-rquired software licenses for $2100.
> Just drove through Troy, NY, headed from Albany to Vermont. Reviewing the
> program at RPI today, I 'd be delighted if my perhaps next (perhaps)
> collegian qualified, even if he has no interest in ice hockey.
> If Troy, NY were half as entertaining as Burlington,Vt the winters might
> not have seemed so cold.
> answering:
>         "Neil Waldhauer" <>  ' message of:
>         05/02/05  at 01:28 PM,
>         About:[OS2Wireless] OT: Rensselaer
> > 'Tute sucks.

If you do send said collegian, you will quickly find out that "Tute sucks" is
the unofficial motto of RPI. In fact, RPI can give good value for your
education dollar, but they certainly make the students work hard for what they
get. I admired  the relative elegance of academic programs at other schools.

I wasn't really putting down RPI -- I was just juxtaposing the motto "Tute
sucks" with the most extreme "Windows-only" environment I'd ever heard of at a
college. And mostly for the benefit of the other alum(s) on the list, since how
would the rest of you know about the motto?

My freshman year, about 20 percent of buildings in Troy burned down, doing
hundreds of dollars of damage. I expect the town is much, much nicer today.

Neil Waldhauer,

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

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