Mailing List Archived Message #3652

From: "Harry Travis"<> Full Headers
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Sender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Subject: [OS2Wireless] OT: Rensselaer
Date: Mon, 02 May 2005 23:10:49 -0300

Spake Harry,
The last 5 years they've all been IBM Thinkpads. Live in excitement until
June to find out what will specified for new matriculants. Issued?
Furnished  with course-rquired software licenses for $2100.

Just drove through Troy, NY, headed from Albany to Vermont. Reviewing the
program at RPI today, I 'd be delighted if my perhaps next (perhaps)
collegian qualified, even if he has no interest in ice hockey.

If Troy, NY were half as entertaining as Burlington,Vt the winters might
not have seemed so cold.

        "Neil Waldhauer" <>  ' message of:
        05/02/05  at 01:28 PM,
        About:[OS2Wireless] OT: Rensselaer
>On Tue, 03 May 2005 03:04:01 +0000 (GMT), Stan Goodman
><> wrote:

>> I'm sure that is intended to be an attractive description. For me, any mention
>> of upstate New York makes me shiver uncontrollably. My first year in Troy, at
>> RPI, temperatures went down to -40F, and the aggregate snowfall was 100inches.
>> And me a Southern boy. You didn't see the ground from early October to late
>> April, at which time you were surprised not to see your breath, so you thought
>> you were dead. Once, driving to a lacrosse game in Syracuse, I ran into a
>> snowstorm, IN JUNE!!
>> For anybody taken in by talk about the beauties of Upstate NY, they don't have
>> any summer at all, only two weeks of bad skiing.

>As a fellow alum of RPI, I'd have to agree about pretty cold winter
>weather. The summer can be hot and humid, though. I learned to love the
>cold there, and in Boston. When I moved to the California coast, I
>thought I'd really miss the cold weather.

>I don't.

>I spoke to an RPI student a few weeks ago, and the students now use only
>Windows. The school issues a brand new Thinkpad with XP pro to every
>entering freshman. Other platforms are all but banned. As far as I'm
>concerned, 'Tute sucks.


htravis at attglobal dot net


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