Mailing List Archived Message #3654

From: Stan Goodman <> Full Headers
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Sender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Subject: [OS2Wireless] OT: Rensselaer
Date: Tue, 03 May 2005 03:58:55 +0000 (GMT)

** Reply to message from Neil Waldhauer <> on Mon, 02 May
2005 13:28:15 -0700

> On Tue, 03 May 2005 03:04:01 +0000 (GMT), Stan Goodman
> <> wrote:
> > I'm sure that is intended to be an attractive description. For me, any mention
> > of upstate New York makes me shiver uncontrollably. My first year in Troy, at
> > RPI, temperatures went down to -40F, and the aggregate snowfall was 100inches.
> > And me a Southern boy. You didn't see the ground from early October to late
> > April, at which time you were surprised not to see your breath, so you thought
> > you were dead. Once, driving to a lacrosse game in Syracuse, I ran into a
> > snowstorm, IN JUNE!!
> >
> > For anybody taken in by talk about the beauties of Upstate NY, they don't have
> > any summer at all, only two weeks of bad skiing.
> As a fellow alum of RPI, I'd have to agree about pretty cold winter weather.
> The summer can be hot and humid, though. I learned to love the cold there, and
> in Boston. When I moved to the California coast, I thought I'd really miss the
> cold weather.
> I don't.

Personally, I have never understood what induced Homo Sapiens to settle in
places with climates like that. Coming out of the last ice age, of course, it
may have seemed an improvement.
> I spoke to an RPI student a few weeks ago, and the students now use only
> Windows. The school issues a brand new Thinkpad with XP pro to every entering
> freshman. Other platforms are all but banned. As far as I'm concerned, 'Tute
> sucks.

I knew from the alumni magazine that they were giving these things away, and it
stood to reason they weren't loading them with OS/2, so the news that it's XP
doesn't come as a surprise. I think that's pretty standard now in US

Ol' Bill's "charitable donations" of Windows-loaded PCs to any school that
would take them have really paid off.

> Neil

Stan Goodman EE '51
Qiryat Tiv'on

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