os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #3709 | ????? |
Jeroen Besse wrote:
I recently switched from a PCMCIA linksys WPC11 to the IBM High Rate
Wireless LAN Mini-PCI (22P7701) in my ThinkPad T40. I also switched
from the GenPrism to the IBMprism drivers at that time.
Up until now, I mostly downloaded things, and experienced no problems.
However, I now noticed that when uploading larger files (via Peer to
another eCS1.2 machine, or via FTP to a Sun server), the WLAN status
image changes to no WLAN card installed and the upload stalls. No
error in lantran.log or popuplog.os2. The only way I found to get the
card working again, is by rebooting.
I tried some uploads from XP (the T40 is bual boot) and this went
flawless. So the card doesn't seem to be defective.
Why does the Wireless LAN Monitor (V1.12) think that the card is
removed? (It's a mini-PCI card, I can't remove it without opening the
Is this a driver issue or a XWLAN issue?
Hi there,
There are status indicators being provided by the Monitor (such as "Configuring", "Script running"), but hardware related things are reported by the driver only.
I would try to lower the fragmentation thresholds. This was necessary with my old Netgear MR314 router, here I needed to lower the thresholds on the router to the maximum value the driver can handle. It may also be possible that in other situations this must be done the other ways around, lowering the threshold of the driver to the max value of the router.
If it is a threshold issue, the "card not inserted" status can just be a consecutive error. Unfortunately, the driver does not provide a "hardware/driver reset", I think this may come in handy when dealing with a built-in device, where such cannot be forced by pulling and replugging a PCMCIA card.
OTOH, I don't know how old the IBMPrism driver is. While I think it may be generated out of the same sources as the genprism, it may be older and buggier, o ar leasrt less compatible to the IOCTL interface used by XWLAN. Please report the exact version of both driver as well as the timestamps of the files (output of unzip -l on the zip packages or a dir /s on the zip extracted packages would be sufficent, please one output per driver). Please send as pm.
bye, Christian
Christian Langanke
Team OS/2 Ruhr e.V.
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