Mailing List Archived Message #3741

From: "Neil Waldhauer" <> Full Headers
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Sender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Subject: [OS2Wireless] Network Of Free, Ad-Sponsored Hotspots Launched
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 07:57:39 -0800

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 20:46:05 -0500, wrote:


I admire their business model. Here in Santa Cruz, California, my ISP is
offering the same deal, but without the advertising. The business buys
broadband connection from my ISP, and the hotspot is free.

There is a sign-on screen. If I connect my eCS wireless to it, nothing works
until I open Mozilla, and then, no matter what URL I select, I'm taken to the
sign-up screen. Then after I click OK, everthing works.

The FreeFi website shows the ads in the browser. This might be OK with eCS.
I'll watch my local Togo's for any sign. Maybe they won't bother with our town
-- too much competition.

Neil Waldhauer,

Ambivalent?  Well, yes and no.

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