Mailing List Archived Message #3742

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Subject: [OS2Wireless] Network Of Free, Ad-Sponsored Hotspots Launched
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 20:46:05 -0500

Not sure if the mechanics will allow OS/2 based users to use it but:

"February 18, 2005

Network Of Free, Ad-Sponsored Hotspots Launched

By Mobile Pipeline Staff Mobile Pipeline

A hotspot vendor Friday launched what it said will be a nationwide network
of free, advertising-sponsored hotspots in locations such as shopping
centers, airports and cafes.

FreeFi Networks said in a statement it will develop and manage the free
hotspots in qualifying locations at no cost to the venue owner other than
the cost of a broadband connection. FreeFi says it will support the
network with advertising that appears in what it called a "narrow,
persistent band of content" across the bottom of the user's screen.

That content could include advertising as well as other types of
information, such as information about the local area, the company said in
a statement. The company said that the content bar does not involve adware
or spyware and will not be present on the user's laptop when not connected
to the FreeFi network.

"It's another option for business owners considering offering Wi-Fi as a
valuable amenity with zero cost or risk," Larry Laffer, FreeFi's
president, said in a statement.

Besides managing the hotspot for free, FreeFi said it will share
advertising revenue with venue owners. It did not say, however, how many
locations were using the service, although it cited several locations of a
California restaurant chain, Togo's Eateries, as offering the service."


 From the eComStation Desktop of: Mark Dodel

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