Mailing List Archived Message #3751

From: Sam Lewis <> Full Headers
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Sender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Subject: [OS2Wireless] Help - need crash course on setting up a firewall
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 10:49:14 -0600

What Hotel Chain?
They would almost have to have a firewall.  They need to have a router to separate the internal/hotel network from the outside internet and even the cheap routers have a firewall built into them now.  Also the routers operation of separating the internal network from the outside internet is similar to NAT which  should provide a good level of protection from the internet.  As for the internal network you can make sure you don't have any shares on your system and have good passwords for your local accounts and you should be fairly safe.

But if you really need the firewall the last OS/2 one I used was Injoy and it was easy to setup.  You could probably get by using the trial version for your trip.

Also check on to see if your vulnerable with the Shields Up program.  OS/2 far less vulnerable than Windoze.

Julian Thomas wrote:

We're heading for a warmer place in another week, and one of the
attractions of the place where we are staying is free wireless internet.

I've been informed that there is NO Firewall, so am thinking I need to set
up either  the OS2 built-in one or the InJoy firewall.  Since I've only
recently added a wireless setup to my laptop, and I'm behind a
router/firewall here at home, I'm a novice as far as this is concerned.  I'd really rather use eCS than have to boot to W2k and use one of the
products available for the dark side :-(



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