Mailing List Archived Message #3753

From: Stuart Updike <> Full Headers
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Sender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Subject: [OS2Wireless] File and Print Sharing becomes inop when two NIC adapters
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 21:54:49 -0600
To: wrote:

If you have to run NETBIOS on multiple adapters, go to \ibmlan\install and start  peerinst.exe. This will ask for the adaper-numbers for NETBIOS.
After restart peer, multiple adapters are attached. But be careful, NETBIOS can't pass a router.


Hello Bruno,

I will actually only be using one NIC at a time, but I am hoping to have both adapters installed so I do not have to change them and reboot each time I  change from wired to wireless, etc.

I looked for \ibmlan\install\peerinst.exe but it was not there.  Any ideas?

Thank you,

Stu Updike
Bedford,  Texas


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