Archivovaná správa #382 diskusnej skupiny

Od: "Carl Gehr" <> Celá hlavi?ka
Nedekódovaná správa
Hlavi?ka: Linksys Wireless Router Firmware Replacement
Dátum: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 16:15:53 -0500 (EST)
Komu: "OS/2 Wireless Users List" <>

[Primarily to Lewis R., but anyone should feel free to jump in.]

I have seen comments in the past about replacing the firmware provided
in Linksys Router/APs.  I've never felt a real need to do so in the
past, but after installing the latest/last level available for my:
>  Firmware Date    : April 7, 2005
>  Current Firmware : Version 1.52.02
>  Product PartNo   : BEFW11S4 ver.4
... I'm not convinced it is not causing more problems than I had with
the 1.50.14 level.

So, I have some questions about the replacements that have been
mentioned here.

1)  Where would I get the replacement?
2)  Is there a charge for the replacement?  If so, how much?
3)  Probably most important:  Why would I want to do the
    upgrade (?) versus what Linksys provides?
4)  Are there any downside issues to consider?


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