os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com ?????????????? ????? #396

???: "Andy Willis" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> ?? ????
??: Re: [OS2Wireless] JAVA SIP CLIENT
??: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 11:35:41 -0700
??: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

Ed Durrant wrote:
Andy Willis wrote:
Ed Durrant wrote:
Andy Willis wrote:
Andy Willis wrote:
Ed Durrant wrote:
Jeffrey Race wrote:
On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 09:01:34 +0000 (GMT), Dave Saville wrote:
If you did I missed it. I had a look around for my VOIP presentation at
last years Warpstock Europe and found nothing then.


Install JAR works fine but trying to convert the run shell script that it installs into an OS/2 CMD file it has a class not found error on startup.

So I'm going to need to take some more time over this.

The client is not just an audio SIP VOIP client and IM client but also a video client - that part is never going to work on eComstation or OS/2 as we don't have webcam support AFAIK.


I haven't played with it yet to see what works/doesn't but I got a logon screen with:
java -classpath "lib/jdic-all.jar;lib/jdic_stub.jar;lib/felix.jar;lib/bcprovider.jar;sc-bundles/sc-launcher.jar;sc-bundles/util.jar" -Djava.library.path=native -Dfelix.config.properties=file:./lib/felix.client.run.properties -Djava.util.logging.config.file=lib/logging.properties net.java.sip.communicator.launcher.SIPCommunicator
I'm using Java 1.5.0_07.
Well, I only logged into MSN so far as it quit working with SIM but it looks like AIM, Google Talk (same as Jabber but apparently already setup), ICQ, Jabber, Yahoo, and a few others I've never heard of will work.  I don't know if SIP will work as I don't have any Audio devices showing under options and don't know what/why that is the case.

Hi Andy,

  I'm trying to get the code to even load. When I try it under OS/2 (V 1.4 Java) it fails with and error message.

  When I run it under Java 1.5 under Innowin it gives no errors but nothing loads. When I try javaw.exe instead of java.exe it say it can't find the main class.

  If you have a CMD file can you post it here please ?

The unix shell (a modified version of which I have based my attempts on) is as below:
mkdir -p $HOME/.sip-communicator/log
export PATH=$PATH:native
java -classpath "lib/jdic-all.jar:lib/jdic_stub.jar:lib/felix.jar:lib/bcprovider.jar:sc-bundles/sc-launcher.jar:sc-bundles/util.jar" -Djava.library.path=native -Dfelix.config.properties=file:./lib/felix.client.run.properties -Djava.util.logging.config.file=lib/logging.properties net.java.sip.communicator.launcher.SIPCommunicator

Does the export native line (which I don't have an OS/2 equivalent for), have any significance ?



The line I posted previously is my CMD file, which all I did was switch the colons and semi-colons around from the way it is in the run.sh.
java -classpath "lib/jdic-all.jar;lib/jdic_stub.jar;lib/felix.jar;lib/bcprovider.jar;sc-bundles/sc-launcher.jar;sc-bundles/util.jar" -Djava.library.path=native -Dfelix.config.properties=file:./lib/felix.client.run.properties -Djava.util.logging.config.file=lib/logging.properties net.java.sip.communicator.launcher.SIPCommunicator
I don't believe it will work with Java 1.4.x, at least I wasn't able to get it to so far (though alpha 2 might, one of the changes with alpha 3 was to move to Java 1.5).

Thanks I hadn't seen the change from semicolon to colon - that may be the key. I presume you have created a java.cmd file to run apps with Windows Java 1.5 under ODIN (or Innowin)? When I try to run the complete config (Innowin and 1.5 java paths included) the command line is too long for OS/2.

It'll be interesting to see how this works, I'd expect the IM side to work OK, but connecting to OS/2 audio queues (via windows Java and ODIN) for the SIP Phone part (which is what we are looking at this for) may be a different matter.


Here is my java15.cmd
SET PATH=e:\programs\jre15\bin;%PATH%
set java_home=e:\programs\jre15
SET JAVA2_USERHOME=e:\usr\abwillis

To get Java 1.5,0_07 (the only version that works) to function under OS/2 I installed it under Windows.  I then copied the directory it installed in to my OS/2 system (you see the path above) and then I copied all the executables from my Java 1.4.2_09 installation over the executables in the 1.5 installation (e.g. java.exe, javaw.exe, etc).  I also copied the j2win.dll file over.  Then I use Java 1.5 as I would Java 1.4, with the exception of the plugin which I haven't figured out anything for yet.  This assumes that Java 1.4.2_09 was previously installed as it sets up the registry entries.

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