On Sat, 28 Feb 2009 10:51:26 +1100 "Ed Durrant"
<os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> wrote:
>Andy Willis wrote:
>> Here is my java15.cmd
>> SET PATH=e:\programs\jre15\bin;%PATH%
>> set java_home=e:\programs\jre15
>> SET JAVA2_USERHOME=e:\usr\abwillis
>> To get Java 1.5,0_07 (the only version that works) to function under
>> OS/2 I installed it under Windows. I then copied the directory it
>> installed in to my OS/2 system (you see the path above) and then I
>> copied all the executables from my Java 1.4.2_09 installation over the
>> executables in the 1.5 installation (e.g. java.exe, javaw.exe, etc).
>> I also copied the j2win.dll file over. Then I use Java 1.5 as I would
>> Java 1.4, with the exception of the plugin which I haven't figured out
>> anything for yet. This assumes that Java 1.4.2_09 was previously
>> installed as it sets up the registry entries.
>> Andy
>Hi Andy,
> I already have that version of Java 1.5 installed under Windoze and
>then transferred as you described. I then set up specic cmd files to run
>it inder innowin. I did try copying over the files as you describe but
>without success - I'll try again - thanks again for the help.
PMFJI... My experience with 1.5 has been mixed. I have it working, though
no printing & some TCP connectivity is broken (Novell RConJ over port 2034
will not connect).
Just wanted to throw that into the mix, before recommending we possibly
move this thread to eCS Technical or some such... ;-)
Lewis G Rosenthal
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC
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