On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 10:47:41 -0400, Orest Skrypuch wrote:
Hi Orest,
>IBM High Rate Wireless PC Card 128 0x0156 0x0002 Orinoco IBM HR128
>v1.0 (ibmwifi2.exe)
>Having an Orinco chipset it should work. Now, yes, IBM provides drivers
>that work just fine, but happy to test out yours, if that would help.
The driver fixes some bugs which the driver released by IBM has. Most important, dynamic configuration of
the card with WifiStat is now working (at least with my card).
>Do your drivers support the new WPA security (hurried up pre-802.11i),
>as opposed to the standard WEP that is supported with the IBM drivers?
No. Do you have useful documentation for this?
with best regards
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