os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #4256 | torna alla lista |
Can anyone recommend Wireless NICs with good power/sensitivity and that can accomodate external antennas?Randy, a Netgear MA-311 PCI card works for me here on a desk top. It has a good OS/2 driver developed by Jens and he is on this list. This is between two buildings about 70-80 feet apart. It's talking to a Linksys Wireless G router. I also installed a Netgear ANT2405 5db gain omni-direction antenna on the MA-311. Performance is about 550 KBPS with the wep turned off. I haven't experimented with the wep turned on yet. The antenna costs about $30. You would also need a cable at $20 to $90 depending on the length. The 5db gain got me a 20-25% increase in thruput. - ray
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