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Od: "Will Honea" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Glava
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Pošiljalec: "Will Honea" <whonea@whonea.net>
Zadeva: Re: [OS2Wireless] WIFI LOGON PROBLEM
Datum: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 22:35:28 -0600
Za: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

** Reply to message from "Jeffrey Race" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> on
Mon, 16 Mar 2009 21:15:37 -0500

> Sometimes I find I have to reboot my computer before I can connect to
> a wireless network, after changing out my LAN card.   (Running W2K.)
> Why would this be so?  (I see sometimes my Tinywatcher program
> says the domain changes e.g. I was at a hotel it was e-centre.net and
> at home it is cable.rcn.com).    Is there a command or option I can
> use so I don't have to reboot?  What can I read to educate myself
> about this problem?

Your message was not exactly clear about who was connecting to what.  If you
change a LAN card (wired ethernet) you have to reboot after you set up the card
for the system - the system has to load and bind the correct info or the card.
If you are talking about the wireless not connecting, you usually have to tell
the system to re-scan the available networks before it picks up a new one then
select the one you want to connect to.  Most machines I work with are
configured to re-connect to the last AP used if available and require some
manual intervention most of the time to get the one you really want.

The comment about the LAN card is confusing - I would assume you are talking
about a notebook which makes swapping LAN cards a bit problematic (to say the
least) unless the LAN card is a USB or PCMCIA device.  If you swap PCMCIA cards
in mid-session then getting things to work is also a crap shoot - same
reasoning as with ethernet cards as most systems have issues with changing
network hardware after bootup.  Many wireless devices, for example, don't
properly initialize after bootup.

Will Honea <whonea@whonea.net>

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