Mailing List Archived Message #478

From: "Ed Durrant" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] ftp route fails
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2009 21:39:33 +1000
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

os24u wrote:
 Have 2 computers connected via cable to Linksys router doing file transfers using ftpd.exe (mixed results) or yafsos2.exe (fast).   Ftp
server is started from CLI and ended with Control-Break. IP addresses as:


Either machine could be server.  After server is begun once and closed could not connect again either way.   Had to reboot.   Tried doing
a route.exe flush and then run setup.cmd from \mptn.   Can connect again after that.

 Appears I need to do more for this process to work normal:

1.  Start ftp server using different method than typing at cli
2.  Create a batch file with a route or ipconfig command.  Do not yet understand why the route is blocked after ftp server quits.  There
will probably be more boxes connected at some point to router so adding 1 route command may not suffice.

 Can someone enlighten?


Although the device you are connected to is a router, what you are actually using is the built in n-way switch. I presume the subnet mask in use is ? If so all three addresses are on the same network subnet and you don't need to set any routes on the systems, the two PCs should "see" each other. Perhaps if you are executing a route command this is causing the problem ?



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