Mailing List Archived Message #480

From: "Ed Durrant" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] Re: ftp network
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 06:28:03 +1000
To: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

os24u wrote:
** Reply to note from "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <> Fri, 10 Apr 2009 05:07:05 -0400
Although the device you are connected to is a router, what you are  actually using is the built in n-way switch. I presume the subnet
mask  in use is ? If so all three addresses are on the same  network subnet and you don't need to set any routes on
the systems, the  two PCs should "see" each other. Perhaps if you are executing a route  command this is causing the problem ?

 This is my network start file.  Internet out is fine.  Ftp is fine as long as server is running.  Stop server and restart later, error message
from client:  can not find the ip address.  Since I always had to reboot when trying ftpserver again, tried resetting the routes by:

route flush and then run setup.cmd.  Am not familiar with networks and tcpip to know if this is normal but one would think not.   Should
not be the router either as you say it is just a switch. **setup.cmd**
ifconfig lo
ifconfig lan0 netmask metric 1 mtu 1492
route add default
route add -net -netmask -hopcount 1
ipgate off

 Also find file below on boot but appears to be for peer network which is not installed.  tcpcoex.log
Log file for TCPCOEX.EXE ..... run time: Fri Apr 10 08:24:44 2009

FINDOURDIRS: nfsctl.exe not found!

 Main question on this is:  is it normal to have to run setup.cmd to re-establish the route through router?


The setup.cmd file looks fine.

I have no idea what TCPCOEX is and whether it may be causing the problems - it appears to be trying to start NFS (which is not peer networking, rather a Unix style network drive mounting capability) - it is reporting an error, I would try to stop this from trying to run.

The other file that may be relevant is tcpstart.cmd - can you post that here please ?




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