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Od: "Will Honea" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Glava
Izvorno E-sporo?ilo
Pošiljalec: os2-wireless_users-owner <os2-wireless_users-owner@2rosenthals.com>
Zadeva: [OS2Wireless] Not associated!
Datum: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 22:08:17 -0600
Za: os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com

** Reply to message from "Dr. Jeffrey Race" <jrace@attglobal.net> on Thu, 09
Sep 2004 09:18:28 +0700

> Hampton Inn customer service replied to my enquiry to them that they had an old system
> (now being upgraded) which allowed only the MAC addresses of the NICs they loaned out
> to arriving guests.   (I arrived too late to get one; says something about the kinds of
> people travelling in remote areas of NY State!)  Thanks to all who replied (one of whom
> guessed rightly).

I ran into one of those at a Dsy'a Inn in Salina, KS a month or so back.  I was
able to spoof the MAC address and press on after I checked with one of the
other users to grab a number.  Apparently, the only thing their AP checked was
that the MAC was in the list of premitted users and didn't care how many users
wiht that number there were.  I've tried that trick with a couple of AP's I
have here and one has no problem, the other gets confused.  The one AP allows
for a range of MAC addresses, the other requires unique addresses.  I've heard
from some 'war drivers' that a lot of home AP's will take generic MAC's that
identify a random card from the correct maker.  Not my idea of a secure setup,
by any means but then when I check in on the road I'm on the other side of the
argument <g>.

Will Honea <whonea@codenet.net>


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