os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #4958

Da: "Julian Thomas" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Intestazioni complete
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Mittente: os2-wireless_users-owner <os2-wireless_users-owner@2rosenthals.com>
Oggetto: [OS2Wireless] Cisco 340 not working
Data: Thu, 20 May 2004 19:20:25 -0400
A: eCS-Technical@yahoogroups.com, os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com

I took the plunge to set up a wireless capability (most of the house is on
a wired network but I wanted to be able to use a thinkpad T23 untethered).
I have a Dlink DWL700AP access point and the Cisco 342 pc card.  Needless
to say, it's all working smoothly under Win2k.

eCS is a different story.  It wouldn't work, so I installed the latest
cardbus drivers from the eCS website.  They work - at least I can use a pc
card modem and a cf adapter and read the cf card.  However, the wifi is
still not working under eCS (yet).

Situation is that I have a wired NIC in the machine - assigned to Lan0
[since it was the first one there] using dhcp.  I installed the cisco
drivers from the file that I found on hobbes, and verified that the ssid
matches that in the WAP (I'm not using any WEP for now; not concerned due
to an extremely rural location - it's too far even for drive-by access).
I get an amber activity light on the cisco, but no green status indicator.


FFST/2 is installed but is not started.  LANMSGDD is loaded and

Netstat shows the adapter, as does PC Card director [what a kludgy

TCPIP config won't allow me to set it to DHCP (that may be because I had
LAN0 set to use DHCP).

What should I try next?

 Julian Thomas:   jt@jt-mj.net    http://jt-mj.net
 In the beautiful Finger Lakes Wine Country of New York State!
 Boardmember of POSSI.org - Phoenix OS/2 Society, Inc  http://www.possi.org
 -- --
 Never insult an alligator until you've crossed the river.


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