On Tue, 11 May 2004 11:29:11 -0400 (EDT), "Stanley Sidlov"
<stanleys@cybernex.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 11 May 2004 08:04:15 -0700, Neil Waldhauer wrote:
> >If you open WifiStat.exe and give it a blank profile, it will connect to most
> >AP with default parameters. It seems to be limited to finding the strongest
> >signal -- it doesn't give you a choice of several competing AP.
> this is unlike what windows does btw, where if the SSID is hidden, it will not
> be the first choice no matter what the
> strength of the signal is.
I don't use Windows much, but one thing it does that I really want is that with
a wired and a wireless NIC, it chooses the right one and gets DHCP parameters
with it.
I'm thinking of trying to code up a script to implement this behavior on OS/2
and eCS.
1. if wired is OK, then leave networking alone.
2. if wired is not OK, and there is a wireless NIC, switch to that.
3. if networking is still not OK, try the whole script again.
BTW, I haven't tried WifiStat with an Access Point with a hidden SSID. Is it
still the first/only choice, even though it's pretty much useless?
Neil Waldhauer, neil@blondeguy.com
I have kleptomania. When it gets bad, I take something for it.
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