os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #4978

Da: Andy Willis <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Intestazioni complete
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Mittente: os2-wireless_users-owner <os2-wireless_users-owner@2rosenthals.com>
Oggetto: [OS2Wireless] good choice for wireless pcmcia card
Data: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 08:49:47 -0600
A: os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com

Well I have turned on MAC filtering now, have the SSID set to not broadcast, lowered the power to cut the range, allowing only 1 association on the AP, and as both the card and AP are cisco turned on all the proprietary stuff  to limit compatibility somewhat to other devices.  I booted to windoze prior to turning on my AP a couple of times and scanned for wireless devices and there weren't any that came up.  I don't think where I am there is likely to be any problems but is there any other safeguards that I could put into place?  From what you write, Lewis, I see you aren't using WEP at home, am I worrying to much about WEP?
Lewis, what firmware do you have?  If I can get WEP I can connect at other locations.

Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:

I wonder if the WEP issue is firmware related. Mine seems to work consistently, though admittedly, I don't use WEP at home. It is also possible that certain AP / Wi-Fi card combinations don't play well together with WEP.

Of course, all of the WEP stuff becomes a non-issue for most of us if and when we finally get WPA driver support and ultimately 802.11i (ratified) driver support (and hardware support).

On 04/29/2004 04:32 am, Jonas Buys thus wrote :

Indeed Andy, everyone is expecting WEP to work with
the CISCO 350 driver, but in fact , most of the times,
it does not work (sometimes it does) strangely enough.
Anyway, I use the driver + mac filtering on my WAP.

I can really recommend you LinkSys WPC11 v4. Supported by the latest GenPRISM + encryption et

Best regards, Jonas Buys.
<< www.os2warp.be >>


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