os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #4979 | torna alla lista |
Indeed Andy, everyone is expecting WEP to work with
the CISCO 350 driver, but in fact , most of the times,
it does not work (sometimes it does) strangely enough.
Anyway, I use the driver + mac filtering on my WAP.
I can really recommend you LinkSys WPC11 v4. Supported by the latest GenPRISM + encryption et
Best regards, Jonas Buys.
<< www.os2warp.be >>
--- Andy Willis <abwillis@comcast.net> wrote:
As it doesn't look like I am going to get WEP on my
cisco card I am looking to get one that does. I don't want to
spend too much though. I can pick up a Belkin (don't remember the model but
it is listed on os2warp.be as being tested) for $25. Does anyone
know if this is a good choice? Possibly know a better choice? Preferably
one that has drivers that are easily accessible (I have eCS so I can get
the wireless drivers that are available there). Or if someone knows a
firmware that will allow me to use WEP with the cisco 340? I am using
it currently with the AP SSID not broadcasting and have dropped the
router's power to 15mw (will test if I can drop it more). I don't
think there is anyone around me that has wireless or that would know how
to scan for my AP if they did but I don't like relying on that.
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