OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>
I have been struggling with hardware for which
I can find little or no useful compatibility
information and which I seem to lack to ability
to install, unless I find that I have faulty
hardware. That aside, on one box I have a
standard NIC and a wireless PCI card. I would
like to be able to connect to a wireless router
sort of thingy (great word, Kris!) on a second
("server") box connected to the Internet.
The PC under discussion is based on an MSI
KT4Ultra motherboard.
Craig Hart's PCI+AGP bus sniffer, Version 1.03vkA,
freeware made in 1996-2005.
Loaded Vendor Data : "This is version 567 of
this file; 01-09-2005 (D-M-Y)."
PCI BIOS Version 2.10 found!
Number of PCI Busses : 2
PCI Characteristics : Config Mechanism 1 Special Cycle Mechanism 1
Searching for PCI Devices using the OEMHLP$ driver
Bus 0 (PCI), Device Number 6, Device Function 0
Vendor 168Ch Atheros Communications Inc
Device 001Ah Unknown
Command 0016h (Memory Access, BusMaster, MemWrite+Invalidate)
Status 0290h (Has Capabilities List, Supports Back-To-Back Trans.,
Medium Timing)
Revision 01h, Header Type 00h, Bus Latency Timer 20h
Minimum Bus Grant 0Ah, Maximum Bus Latency 1Ch
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
Cache line size 32 Bytes (8 DWords)
PCI Class Network, type Ethernet
Subsystem ID 3A161186h Unknown
Subsystem Vendor 1186h D-Link Inc
Address 0 is a Memory Address (0-4GiB) : DFFD0000h
CIS can read from Address 0 mapped memory, offset 5000h
System IRQ 10, INT# A
New Capabilities List Present:
Power Management Capability, Version 1.1
Does not support low power State D1 or D2
Does not support PME# signalling
Current Power State : D0 (Device operational, no power saving)
1980 mW D0 power consume
1980 mW D0 power dissipate
1980 mW D1 power consume
1980 mW D1 power dissipate
1980 mW D2 power consume
1980 mW D2 power dissipate
60 mW D3 power consume
60 mW D3 power dissipate
0 mW common logic power consume
Bus 0 (PCI), Device Number 8, Device Function 0
Vendor 1011h Digital Equipment Corp (DEC)
Device 0014h DecChip 21041-PB "Tulip Plus" Ethernet Adapter
Command 0007h (I/O Access, Memory Access, BusMaster)
Status 0280h (Supports Back-To-Back Trans., Medium Timing)
Revision 21h, Header Type 00h, Bus Latency Timer 50h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
PCI Class Network, type Ethernet
Address 0 is an I/O Port : EC00h
Address 1 is a Memory Address (0-4GiB) : DFFFFE80h
System IRQ 5, INT# A
Expansion ROM of 256 KiB decoded by this card, currently disabled
ROM PCI IRQ routing table Tests....
ROM IRQ routing table found at F000h:8020h
Table Version 1.0 - OK
Table size 256 bytes - OK
Table Checksum DFh - OK
PCI Interrupt Router: VT8235 PCI to ISA Bridge
IRQ's dedicated to PCI : None
The ROM PCI IRQ routing table appears to be OK.
IRQ Summary: IRQs 5,10,11,14,15 are used by PCI devices
Shared IRQs: IRQ 5 is shared by 3 PCI Devices
IRQ 10 is shared by 4 PCI Devices
IRQ 11 is shared by 4 PCI Devices
This is the first box about which I have questions.
My first question is whether either of these has
a usable 'driver' under OS/2-eCS. I believe the
hardwired NIC does. I have serious doubts about
the DEC card that is supposed to be wireless but
provides so little information, none of which
suggests wirelessness (other than the strange but
well-established term "ethernet" that suggests
radio communications).
If the wireless card appears to be either lacking
an adequate 'driver' or malfunctioning, what is a
reasonable alternative PCI-based card with antenna?
Is this sufficiently enlightening? Do you need
more information to begin to troubleshoot?
Thank you for your thoughts.
- Mark
Mark Henigan
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