X-UIDL: 2939 X-Mozilla-Keys: Return-Path: os2-wireless_users-owner@2rosenthals.com Received: from mail.2rosenthals.com (localhost [] ) by mail.2rosenthals.com (Hethmon Brothers Smtpd) ; Mon, 28 Apr 2003 10:26:56 -0500 Received: from mail1.no-ip.com (goodyear.vitalwerks.com [] ) by mail.2rosenthals.com (Hethmon Brothers Smtpd) ; Mon, 28 Apr 2003 10:26:54 -0500 X-Envelope-To: Received: (qmail 11571 invoked by uid 89); 28 Apr 2003 14:26:50 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO smtp-relaypoint.fea.net) ( by mail1.no-ip.com with SMTP; 28 Apr 2003 14:26:50 -0000 Received: from relaypoint.net [] by smtp-relaypoint.fea.net (SMTPD32-7.15) id AAEF46330098; Mon, 28 Apr 2003 07:30:07 -0700 Received: from mobile ([]) by relaypoint.net ; Mon, 28 Apr 2003 07:26:50 -0700 In-Reply-To: <20030425112919.678FABFBDD@basicbox4.server-home.net> X-Mailer: MR/2 Internet Cruiser Edition for OS/2 v2.37/37 Message-ID: <105154001102@host2a.generalbroadband.com> Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 10:26:54 est5edt X-OldDate: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 07:25:00 -0700 Sender: os2-wireless_users-owner X-Listname: os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Reply-To: os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com From: "Mark Abramowitz" To: os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Subject: OS/2 Wireless Users List: ARtem and Wireless-G X-List-Unsubscribe: Send email to mailusers-request@2rosenthals.com X-List-Owner: mailusers-owner@2rosenthals.com In <20030425112919.678FABFBDD@basicbox4.server-home.net>, on 04/25/03 at 07:29 AM, "Jens Glathe" said: >Is anybody interested in Wireless-G for OS/2? ;) Is the Pope Catholic? Does a bear shit in the woods? Does a dog have a tail? ;-) -- ----------------------------------------------------------- "Mark Abramowitz" ----------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to steward@2rosenthals.com with the command "unsubscribe os2-wireless_users" in the body (omit the quotes). For help with other commands, send a message to steward@2rosenthals.com with the command "help" in the body (omit the quotes). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=