Nachricht #5140 aus Archiv der Liste

Von: "Mark Dodel" <> Kopfzeilen anzeigen
E-Mail Quelltext
Sender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Betreff: OS/2 Wireless Users List: IBM HIgh Rate Wireless Driver
Datum: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 08:33:29 EST5EDT4,M4.1,M10.5

In <>, on 07/01/03 at
03:40 PM,
   "Oliver Mark" <> said:

>it's already been fixed in the internal database and will be replicated
>to the SWC site tonight, along with the second driver.
>Why are you so impatient ? ;-)

Just spreading the news I found.  My ISP's mail server has been backlogged
and I am just now receiving my past couple days of mail so I hadn't seen
yours when I sent mine.  I'm not used to IBM sending out any announcements
concerning OS/2 these days, except perhaps software withdrawls. ;_(



 From the eComStation Desktop of: Mark Dodel

Warpstock 2002, In the home of OS/2 - Austin, Texas.  Were you there?

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