Mailing List gearchiveerd bericht #5158

Van: Lewis G Rosenthal <> Volledige berichtkoppen
Ongedecodeerd bericht
Afzender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Onderwerp: OS/2 Wireless Users List: new ThinkPad 8
Datum: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 10:48:41 est5edt

Thanks for your clarifications here, Oliver. many of us were under the impression that suspend and hibernate were beyond our grasp. From what you've described, a bit of rearranging with DFSee, and I should be able to expand my DOS 7 FAT partition at the beginning of my drive to fit my hibernation file. Once I get some time, I'm going to give it a go!

My only question is why does W2K have the ability to hibernate even on an NTFS partition? If it's built into the OS, then why can't we do the same under OS/2?

Oliver Mark wrote:

both still work like a charme.
For suspend, you need to have the right driver versions, e.g. IBM2SS14 and
for hibernate, you need to
enable it with the "Standalone Hibernation Diskette" (can be found from the
thinkpad DD Matrix).

On 28.03.2003 14.24.36, "Carl Gehr" wrote in OS/2 Wireless Users List: new
ThinkPad 8:


On my old TPad 380-XD, where suspend still worked with OS/2, the "Fn"
key used to also bring it back to life.  But, it seems like it depended
on whether it was in "suspend" or in "hibernate" mode.  Neither seems
to work with OS/2 any more.  Both used to work and I miss them!


On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 23:03:16 est5edt, Charles McCallister wrote:


...Couldn't for the life of me
figure out which  key to press to return the machine to operation until I
tried the Power  Button. Geesh, what will they think of next! <ROAR!>

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Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA
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