Mailing List gearchiveerd bericht #5163

Van: "Neil Waldhauer" <> Volledige berichtkoppen
Ongedecodeerd bericht
Afzender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Onderwerp: OS/2 Wireless Users List: Beginner's questions
Datum: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 13:09:57 est5edt

On Fri, 28 Mar 2003 22:16:15 est5edt, "Neil Waldhauer" <>

> I need some advice.

And I got it via private e-mail. But I hope it is alright to post the answers
to the configuration here. I think in general all wireless OS/2 users need to
set parameters like these for any wireless card.

>There are a bunch of parameters from the NIF file, and they sound important.
>How do I know what values to use to set them?
>Station Name

Not important. Just a name.

>Network Name (SSID)

The name of the network. It must be the same name (case sensitive) as set in
the Access Point. This can be
also set with the WifiStat tool - so you can leave it blank first.

>Operating Mode of the Card

BSS - Use an Access Point
ADHOC - Make a direct connection with other wireless cards, without an Access

This can be also set with the WifiStat tool - so you can leave it blank first.

>Create a Network if none found
Only valid if you are using an AdHoc connection - create a network cell to be
found for others if this computer
is the first with this SSID.

This can be also set with the WifiStat tool - so you can leave it blank first.

>Channel Number
Only Valid if you are using an AdHoc  connection and if you create a ntork
cell. This is the channel (frequency
range) to be used.

>RTS/CTS Threshold

Not important.

>Fragmentation Threshold

Not important.

>Access Point density

Not important.


WEP64 - 40-bit keys
WEP128 - 128-bit keys

>Athentication Type (sic)

OPEN_SYSTEM  - default, most Access Points use this
SHARED_KEY - other method

>TX Key Number

Defines the Key which will be used for transmissions.

>Key  1
>Key  2
>Key  3
>Key  4

The keys. :)

Tip: Try to connect without encryption first. If that works, configure
Neil Waldhauer,

A day without sunshine is like a day in Seattle.

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