Mailing List gearchiveerd bericht #5164

Van: "Oliver Mark" <> Volledige berichtkoppen
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Afzender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Onderwerp: OS/2 Wireless Users List: Re: Hibernation/Suspend [Was: new ThinkPad 8...]
Datum: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 13:01:58 est5edt

yes and no. First of all, you need to have the latest IBM2SS14 from the
PCCard-package off DDpak. It's a SWC feature, but with eCS protection, you
should also get it.
Trick here is to use ONLY the driver, you don't need the rest - actually
you "downgrade" a few things, if you use the whole package. So, just unzip
and copy IBM2SS14 to your boot-drive.

With the Hibernation: It's right, that you cannot write the hibernation
file to a HPFS or NTFS partition, and we don't want to do this !!
You need to have Free space, where the utility creates a FAT16 partition
for you to store the hibernation file in. Unfortunately, this space needs
to be within the 1023 cylinder restriction.
So, you OS (OS/2, eCS, NT, whatever) can boot off from whatever
filesystems, the Hibernation file itself needs to be FAT.

I don't understand the issue with the Bootmanager. Actually it hibernates
fine with Bootmanager on my T23. So, you shoulg give it a try.

For the Bluetooth stuff, you are right. I talked to a few people and
actually, it would not be really difficult.  Someone to give 5k $ and
you'll get it.
For the Lucent stuff: The driver for the chip used in the T20 was released
a few weeks ago and work for the newer chip is in plan (Did I just say that
?? No, I didn't, right ?!).

On 29.03.2003 12.07.02, "Carl Gehr" wrote in OS/2 Wireless Users List: Re:
Hibernation/Suspend [Was:  new ThinkPad 8...]:
>I have an A30p.  The IBM2SS14 driver will not load on this system.
>I've tried numerous times.  I have to use SS2PCIC1 instead.  [I use an
>X-Jack PCCard modem, but the Ethernet and wireless are on a built-in
>combo card.]
>The description of
>"Hibernation utility diskette II for standalone boot"
>on the IBM TPad Support site states that hibernation and suspend are
>not supported for OS/2 *unless* you have the FAT file system.  Since
>eCS requires HPFS and most OS/2 users want HPFS for performance, etc.,
>that rules it out.  It also lists supported models:
>>- T20(*4), T21(*4), T22(*4), T23(*4)(*2)
>>- T30(*2)(*4)
>>- T40(*2)(*4), T40p(*5)
>The two footnotes:
>> - *2: Windows 95 is not supported.
>> - *4: OS/2 is supported.
>> - OS/2 with FAT file system
>>Supported OS depends on ThinkPad models.
>And, under "Power Management" on the T-series TPad driver matrix page,
>the Standalone Hibernation Utility is the only topic with OS/2 listed.
>On the A-Series matrix, Power Management - Hibernation, there is also
>the following:
>>- Hibernation function does not work when OS/2 Boot Manager is installed.
>>- Hibernation function does not work with NTFS/HPFS file systems.
>Again, the elimination of Boot Manager is another function-killer.
>And, HPFS is mentioned again here.
>Certainly, if you have other information, I'm sure there are a lot of
>people who would like to hear it.  I am already using the T-Series
>support for the builtin LAN combo card even though it is not suppose to
>be supported.  And, the PRISM support that Jens provided supports the
>802.11b feature. But, the Bluetooth and the Lucent modem [if you want
>to be generous and call it a modem] are still excess baggage that are
>totally useless on this system under OS/2.
>On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 03:36:09 est5edt, Oliver Mark wrote:
>>both still work like a charme.
>>For suspend, you need to have the right driver versions, e.g. IBM2SS14
>>for hibernate, you need to
>>enable it with the "Standalone Hibernation Diskette" (can be found from
>>thinkpad DD Matrix).
>>On 28.03.2003 14.24.36, "Carl Gehr" wrote in OS/2 Wireless Users List:
>>ThinkPad 8:
>>>On my old TPad 380-XD, where suspend still worked with OS/2, the "Fn"
>>>key used to also bring it back to life.  But, it seems like it depended
>>>on whether it was in "suspend" or in "hibernate" mode.  Neither seems
>>>to work with OS/2 any more.  Both used to work and I miss them!
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