Nachricht #5308 aus Archiv der Liste

Von: Lewis G Rosenthal <> Kopfzeilen anzeigen
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Sender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Betreff: OS/2 Wireless Users List: BlueTooth, any
Datum: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 00:47:57 est5edt

Charles McCallister wrote:

Lewis, > Consider plugging in both the BlueTooth card and the WiFi card  > at the same time. One of IBM's A31s comes configured in this manner, so....
I guess it must work, unless they put a note in the docs (in 5 point type) saying that performance may be impacted by utilizing both connections simultaneously... :-)

BTW, why does everyone keep using the NIC acronym with the wireless discussion? Network Interface Card, is that the description?  
Yep. Wired or wireless, it's still a NIC (a rose by any other name, as it were). So, the next time you hear someone refer to a "NIC card", you can tell him that that's two cards in one! (Also akin to the common New York problem we have, where people keep referring to their car's "VIN number"!!)

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA
Rosenthal & Rosenthal            :  Accountants / Network Consultants
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