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Od: Charles McCallister <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Glava
Izvorno E-sporo?ilo
Pošiljalec: os2-wireless_users-owner <os2-wireless_users-owner@2rosenthals.com>
Zadeva: OS/2 Wireless Users List: 802.11b OS/2 d
Datum: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 00:23:32 est5edt
Za: "INTERNET:os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>


 > AFAIK, Charles, the A series is not officially supported for OS/2

Yeahbut... <g>

Bill Morrow of thinkpads.com has almost a year ago provided me a contact
with  an individual that has managed to get OS/2 (possibly eCS, too)
working on the  newest A31 and assures me there will be no difficulties in
doing what I want  to do. My concern is still the 11b connectivity and I'll
certainly look  further into this fellow's successes and report back what I

 > wonder whether their SNAP technology could ease the device driver  
 > development hurdles

That's interesting, for sure.

 > hibernation support has been lacking from recent ThinkPads under OS/2

I'm letting others be the point persons on this and I have seen posts to
this  effect but haven't yet crossed that bridge. <g>

 > A3x models only use the IBM  
 > High Rate wireless and not Cisco

Don't truly understand the ramifications of this.

 > purchases through the 16th or 17th

I'm waiting on the sale of a piece of property to occur sometime this month
 before I can opt for the purchase I've been patiently awaiting for so
long.  BTW, Irv Spalten has allowed me the use of his "Friends and Family"
ID to  receive discounted pricing on the laptop but because he has retired
I see that  IBM is not being quite as generous as when he was an active
employee. So, I'm  on the hunt for another IBMer that might be willing to
offer me the use of  their ID for this purchase. Anyone know anybody around
here? <G>

 > quite amusing to see drivers  
 > for the following "unsupported" OSes

Wireless drivers?

 > your participation in the list is  
 > greatly appreciated. List members like you

Muchas gracias, amigo. And quite encouraging, to say the least. It's a nice
 find when people like me because my day job seems to go the other way.

Great to be here.

 [23:07 CT, 05-Mar-03]


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