Nachricht #5313 aus Archiv der Liste

Von: Lewis G Rosenthal <> Kopfzeilen anzeigen
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Sender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Betreff: OS/2 Wireless Users List: Device driver development
Datum: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 21:33:16 est5edt

Well put, Alan. :-)  Seriously, we all live in the real world, and I'm sure most of us spend a great deal of time fixing broken Win boxes. I was just funin' ya.

Actually, back in my "real" working days (I hold two degrees in music, and was for a time, a working musician before joining the rat race), I ran Voyetra 's DOS MIDI sequencer software (Sequencer Plus) to drive my rig. Unfortunately, timing problems have always plagued OS/2, which is what held it back from becoming a good platform for that sort of thing.

Alan Beagley wrote:

Sorry if I offended anyone. (Yes, I did see the smiley.) Of course most of our machines run OS/2 (actually eCS), but the notebook was originally bought to take to church to run a Windozzze-only program to drive a keyboard (musical variety). Of course if I can use the wireless NIC with OS/2 as well that would be an added advantage, but it is not an essential *for that machine*.


Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:

Alan Beagley wrote:

If I can't use it with OS/2 that's OK: the notebook does WinXP mostly.

I'm dying over here... Please, take the knife out of my chest... (Guys, what do you think? Should we banish Alan from the list?) ;-)


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Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA
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