Nachricht #5351 aus Archiv der Liste

Von: "Mark Abramowitz"<> Kopfzeilen anzeigen
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Sender: os2-wireless_users-owner <>
Betreff: OS/2 Wireless Users List: List of working cards
Datum: Sat, 1 Mar 2003 11:53:23 est5edt

In <>, on 03/01/03
   at 07:40 AM, "Oliver Mark" <> said:

>You got it. The statement is correct and there's not much I can do.

>drivers were developed for a particular customer and not available for
>general use.

Is it possible for IBM to enquire whether the cusomer would be willing to
make the drivers available for sale - if not individually, through or to a
distributor?  I'm assuming that IBM would not disclose the name of the

"Mark Abramowitz"<>


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