X-Account-Key: account1 X-UIDL: 145468 X-Mozilla-Keys: Return-Path: X-ListServer: CommuniGate Pro LIST 5.1.3 List-Unsubscribe: List-ID: List-Archive: Precedence: list Message-ID: Reply-To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" Sender: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 15:25:38 -0800 From: "Bob" X-Original-Message-ID: Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] Recommendations for small wireless bridge for using Vonage ATA while travelling ** Reply to message from "Al Heath" on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 10:52:15 -0600 > Anyway, this is the bridge I've used. It had great range... I could get > 1000 feet in clear areas. Downside is it need AC power, but the Vonage > adapter does too, so no big deal for me. For the routers on my side of the > bridge, I've used both a old standard Vonage router based on the linksys > router (1 wan port, 1 phone port, and 3 ethernet ports) and also have used > other routers behind my bridge too if I wanted to use my own private > wireless network as a subnet from the hotel. > > Here is just one old review I could find by googling on the WGE101: > The current version is a WGE111 (54 MBPS WIRELESS GAME ADAPTER). I have a Linksys version of it a WGA54G which I use with an old laptop that does not have a wireless NIC. I had never thought of using it in the fashion you are use it, very ingenious. The next time I am traveling and think that a hotel is going to charge for internet access I think I will take it and a router so I only have to pay for one connection instead of two (we travel with his and hers laptops). -- Robert Blair =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to To switch to the INDEX mode, E-mail to Send administrative queries to To subscribe (new addresses), E-mail to: and reply to the confirmation email. Web archives are publicly available at: http://lists.2rosenthals.com This list is hosted by Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC P.O. Box 281, Deer Park, NY 11729-0281. Non- electronic communications related to content contained in these messages should be directed to the above address. (CAN-SPAM Act of 2003) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=