Archivovaná správa #552 diskusnej skupiny

Od: "Ray Davison" <> Celá hlavi?ka
Nedekódovaná správa
Hlavi?ka: WET54G antenna
Dátum: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 14:20:16 -0700
Komu: OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List <>

This was started in March because of the need to get a new laptop, and eCS does not support the wireless NIC.

I have a WET54G connected to my laptop.  I have connected to my LAN and the WEB thru my WRT54G - which has WPA2 - and the WEB at one other location that is apparently unsecured.  It was not trivial.  Actually, for me it was impossible; I had help.

I think maybe I am ready to hit the road.  Any specific suggestions for a high-gain, directional, antenna for the WET?  2.4GHz?


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