os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #5734

Da: "Al Heath" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Intestazioni complete
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Mittente: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>
Oggetto: Re: [OS2Wireless] LinkSys WRT54G bridge help?
Data: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 10:55:33 -0500
A: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>

For what it is worth, I'd check to make sure that the local IP address assigned to your thinkpad(s) is in the subnet compatible with the local bridge address. i.e. It would be possible for the bridge to be passing the DCHP address requests up the line and your thinkpad getting back an address like subnet (or even a 172.x.x.x or 10.... and an appropriate subnet mask) and thus the direct addressing to the standalone wireless bridge at 192.168.1.x subnet would be incompatible. In which case, you could hard code your IP address back to the 192.168.1.x subnet to allow you to connect locally to the bridge and change its settings ... such as putting it onto the subnet the DHCP server is providing, changing encryption keys, etc... then resetting your IP address back to getting a DHCP address and thus both your thinkpad(s) and the bridge are on the same subnet and can be accessed at the same time.

I use a NetGear 101 bridge sometimes and have to do this occassionally when I travel and need to change the wireless settings in the bridge for different hotels. Other times, it doesn't matter if I can't directly access the bridge as the traffic can flow across it anyway (providing the encryption, etc, settings are compatible.)

Al H
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