Mailing List Archived Message #5739

From: "Mike Luther" <> Full Headers
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Sender: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] ThinkPad DVD Writer Problem
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 00:53:32 +0000 (UTC)
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>

Hi Lewis!

I'm caught in the middle of this burner issue with RSJ and other burn programs
as well as Dani's very thoughtful work at driver support for us.   I'm
seriously considering upgrade to the RSJ Version 6 code from my current RWSJ
5.5.3 which has been working fine for me but with my normally all SCSI device
boxes including SCSI CD-RW burner operations as well.  In research with what
first appeared as maybe a serious glitch in Dani's work with 1.8.1 which I
learned was not.  I first enabled a complete IDE drive system with the CR-ROM
on H: and an LG DVD burner on I:,, using Dani's 1.8.1/1.4.0 combo with the
/!SCSI command line parameter on DaniATPI.FLT.  That got both the IDE and DVD
units 'found' and accessable for read operations just fine.  

I then installed the complete as is RSJ 5.5.3 on that box.  In my case I
usually use a ghost drive letter "T:" for the burner install, with suitable
memory and slush cache sizes for the directory needed.  On boot up the DVD was
'gone', just as in the 'normal' SCSI systems in which my SCSI CR-RW vanishes
from the as seen on boot units.  

Now .. contrary to what you report:  

> have no DVD access with Dani 1.8.1 / 0.4.0. Currently, I'm rolled back
>to 1.7.10 and 0.3.18. Perhaps this is your problem? I've been using RSJ
>6.0 (just upgraded to 6.01 last night, amidst all this discussion).

If I attach the DVD burner as 'usual' with RSJ's folder choices, I can do the
entire CD-RW burn operations to CD-RW disks with it, and, in theory, have no
reason to believe I could not use the DVD burner for DVD burn use within the
restrictions that customarily are present in this utility.  

To more focus this answer towards the ThinkPad issues, I'm next going toward
trying to enable CD-RW operations on the factory installed CD-RW/DVD read-only
drive on my R40 fully functional lap top here.  I've gotten as far as
installing Dani's 1.8.1/1.4.0 combo on the R40, which seems to have no trouble
at all working with other than a pure BASEDEV=DANIS506.ADD /V line  as well as
BASEDEV=DaniATAPT.FLS /!SCSI  line int the R40 ThinkPad CONFIG.SYS.  

At risk is a lot of further work in that I use this R40 with USB detachable
hard drive and full floppy diskette drive operations, but not Docking Station
work.  I've read closely at Dani's documentation for the ATAPI stuff and I'm
trying hard to learn exactly what command line stuff to add so as not to blow
up all this stuff that works now.

I was trying to learn enough about the latest version 6 code from RSJ until
their News Group server was taken down.  Thus I have no other place to huddle
over this than either a group like this or the common OS/2 New Group
participation.  And in my case, though I do own a licensed copy of eCs 1.4.2R
it is not able to be used at all for this research which must proceed on MCP2

I think from what I've read at in other forums, there is a serious possible
issue with the RSJ 6 version code and DVD issues, even without mixing Dani's
work in this too.  In particular, for example, should I try this on the R40
ThinkPad, how do I ever get to see the CD-RW/DVD Read only installed unit as a
'normal' visible drive when not attached?  That because the burner simply
vanishes when RSJ is installed from the as booted system?  Recall, that under
the 'new' version 6 code from RSJ, it says the the drive letter isn't even
changed as it is attached to burn things.  

I'll be glad to follow a transfer of all this out of this group as needed.  
But thought I could contribute here at this level with where I stand now.


Mike Luther

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