Mailing List Archived Message #5749

From: "madodel" <> Full Headers
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Sender: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] ThinkPad DVD Writer Problem
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 17:20:07 -0500
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>

altownsend wrote:
Saturday, September 29, 2007 - 09:47 AM

Hi Neil RSJ 6.01 is very much better than 5.53, I don't regret getting it

It is very different in the way it operates, Gone is the changing of drive
letters, Read letters assigned buy the operating system now don't change
but you still have to attacj drives for burning

Regards Al

In <>, on 09/29/2007    at 07:49 AM, "Neil Waldhauer" <>

I have RSJ version 5.53 -- but I'm planning to upgrade.

Interesting as I have never had much success with any version beyond 5.06 on my T42p.  I really wanted to upgrade to 6.01 since it claims it supports files >2GB but I get

"Command:        Write(343770, 30)
Sense key:      Illegal Request
Adl. sense key: Invalid block address"

trying to write a DVD.  I sent a report to RSJ.  I heard back from Sandra of RSJ support, but never did get an answer to my problem and the trial period timed out so I am back to 5.06.  Using 5.06 I have no problems writing DVDs so its not a hardware or media problem.  So what is the secret to getting 6.01 to write a DVD?

BTW, since Lewis mentioned the output of RSJ System tab, here is mine:

RSJ CD Recorder Filter Version 5.05 - (c) 1998-2000 by RSJ Software GmbH
searching for CD Recorders....
error: invalid command line parameter
error: invalid command line parameter
[MATSHITADVD-RAM UJ-812  ] dynamic detect --> CD Rec (changed to WORM) (BP)


I've always had those "error: invalid command line parameter" lines.  Never could figure out what parametes they meant.



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