os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com Messaggio archiviato #5758

Da: "Hakan" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com> Intestazioni complete
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Mittente: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>
Oggetto: Re: [OS2Wireless] ThinkPad DVD Writer Problem
Data: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 19:42:42 -0400 (EDT)
A: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <os2-wireless_users@2rosenthals.com>


Some time ago I repartitioned the harddisk on my TP43p, erased all
traces of XP and have since been running eCS 1.2MR.  With 1.2MR, I have
come closer to being able to burn DVDs (CDs have always worked) on the
machine but am not quite there -- I can copy large files, over several
Gbs in total, to the DVD but I cannot finalize them.  RSJ becomes
unresponsive and with nothing else running, CPU utilization is just
below 1.0%.  Thus, I went back to your e-mails from May (see below) and
see that our CONFIG.SYS files are different (we also have slightly
different Matshita drives) but I don't think the problem lies there.  A
couple of questions for you:

* Why are you using the JJSCDROM.DMD driver?  Did eCS install it
or did you install it later?  If the latter, why? Also, did you remove
/RSJ, only BASEDEV=DANIATAP.FLT without any flags at all.  Again, did
the system install the above or did you install it later?  If so, why?
Did you remove something?

Many thanks.


On Sun, 06 May 2007 10:59:47 -0400, Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:

>Hi, Howard!
>On 05/06/07 10:36 am, Howard Winter thus wrote :
>> Lewis,
>> On Fri, 04 May 2007 17:49:57 -0400, Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:
>>> ...
>>> Hakan and I have very similar machines. I am able to burn DVDs on mine
>>> (I've been using those nifty DL - double layer - discs recently; wow,
>>> what a nice, hefty capacity!). The only time I have trouble burning a
>>> DVD is when there is copy protection on the disc (as expected).
>> Are these data disks (basically just copying files) or video, capable of being played in home DVD players?  How do you create them?  (I attended
>> Alex's DVD lecture at Warpstock Europe, so if you're creating video DVDs I think I have the information - it's data DVDs that I need to create).
>The DVDs which do not copy for me (no surprise) are video DVDs, not
>data. So, for instance, if I want to knock off a copy of one of the
>girls' DVDs so that it won't get so badly beaten up in the car (i.e., a
>copy for my own personal use, as allowed by US copyright law), I am
>unable to do so. RSJ shows a negative amount of required disk space,
>effectively making the copy operation impossible. Again, I am not
>surprised by this behavior whatsoever.
>>> Hakan, I also use the Staples-branded discs (-R's and RW's), and they
>>> usually work fine for me under RSJ 6. From the System page in CD-Writer
>>> Control, my system reports:
>>> MATSHITA "DVD-RAM UJ-842 " RB01 "MATSHITADVD-RAM UJ-842 " N/A cdatapi
>>> disabled RAW-3 MATSHITADVD-RAM_UJ-842__R
>> I have RSJ 6, but there isn't a System page under CD-Writer Control, only General / Cache / Recorder / Status / Info tabs, and none of those mention
>> the drive - where did you find the information above?
>In between Status and Info, I have a System tab.
>REM *** RSJ CD-Writer File System ***
>RUN=J:\CDWFS\CDWFSD.EXE -p "C:/VAR/TEMP" -c80000 -b16384 -t2 -i3 -s0
>REM *** RSJ CD-Writer File System ***
>(I think those are all the pertinent lines.)
>> Cheers,
>And to you, my friend.
>Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
>Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC
>Accountants / Network Consultants
>  New York / Northern Virginia           www.2rosenthals.com
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