Mailing List Archived Message #5763

From: "Stanley Sidlov" <> Full Headers
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Sender: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>
Subject: Re: [OS2Wireless] Is it time to commission a driver project apart from GenMAC?
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 08:37:46 -0400 (EDT)
To: "OS/2 Wireless Users Mailing List" <>

On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 10:04:02 -0400, Lewis G Rosenthal wrote:

>While reinventing the wheel is never a task to be undertaken lightly,
>perhaps another wrapper project - open source - would be the best way to
>go? What would it take? Who would be interested to step up to the plate
>either with financial support (for test equipment, etc.) or with
>programming talent?

I'm pretty quiet these days, but I think wrappers for Windows drivers is/was a bad move
even with the underlying stuff that IBM and the ODIN has given OS/2. There are fundamental
things in there that can't be changed because they are IBM's, so ugly Win3.1 file
management icons, etc are always going to be there. VISTA appears to be different again
from XP in it's underlying code (even MS had a lack of drivers when it was released). We
need to be able to use and take more direct advantage of the Linux open source drivers or
non-open source Linux drivers and wrap those on our OS.

GenMac is only one issue. What about other wireless devices such as USB or PCMCIA cards?
What about Printers? What about display chips? Sound cards? We need a new ODIN project
that allows us to wrap or easily mod Linux drivers. It needs to be as simple as EMX is,
just a set of libraries added to the path or the project should be driven as a native
conversion like the ALSA code base for sound cards was.

Bounty the additional code library or toolset to make this easier to do.


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